But after global markets tumbled by some 30 per cent in March as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, he could not resist wading into the market to hunt for bargains.“During the correction in March, I was worried that prices would come down further,” he told CNA Insider. “I only picked up the moving-up trend in April.”
A man with a face mask walks by television screens outside the Nasdaq Market Site at Times Square in New York, US, March 9, 2020. Robo-advisory platforms, like Syfe and StashAway, have also become popular recently, and said they have benefited from the swings in the stock market. There are also hopes that the stimulus efforts of various governments will support their economies, amid encouraging reports on companies developing Sars-CoV-2 vaccines.
That more than offset the nett outflow of S$5.7 billion from institutional investors. Over the same period, the average daily turnover of securities on the SGX for each month increased by about 48 per cent compared to a year earlier.
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