Serdang OCPD Asst Comm Razali Abu Samah said the operation, codenamed"Ops Khas Perdagangan", was conducted by the Serdang Traffic Investigation and Enforcement division along with personnel from Serdang police station from 4am till 8am on Saturday."Our focus is to detect the entry of commercial vehicles driven by foreigners who do not have proper documents," he said when contacted on Saturday.
Based on information gathered, a number of foreigners are driving commercial or private vehicles either to purchase or sell goods at the wholesale market, he added."They did not have driving licences thus we issued summonses and seized the vehicles," he said. ACP Razali said the individuals gave various excuses including being ordered by their employers to transport the goods to the wholesale market.A total of 72 individuals and 64 vehicles were inspected during the operation, ACP Razali said.
"We issued a total of 10 summonses for various offences, including not having driving licence, fancy number plate, overloading and not having commercial vehicle licences," he said. A check by The Star revealed that police also advised customers entering the wholesale market to adhere to Covid-19 standard operating procedures to curb the spread of the virus.