Gerber says he travelled a lot in the past two weeks, including more than four flights, and it is impossible to say where he picked up the virus. He is now isolated at his home in Port Elizabeth.
“I just want to tell you guys to stay at home and go according to the rules. Don’t be a hero. Think of your family, your friends the whole South Africa and the whole world. It spreads like you can’t believe it, it is very dangerous if you don’t look after yourself. I am very positive and I know I will go through this.”
Ey this corona does not care, skhweqe sashibhoshi zonke, hayi, I do not understand this. It is here to change our lives forever, but ngasho ngathi mother nature will shake herself. The next one will be the ocean gyres. They will kick us and all pollution coming back to haunt us.
Who is it?
He has no name? Reverend meshoe was referred by his name not acdp leader.lea tena lena
tough with CoronaVirus and no sport. watching NGW snake in the city. Program recorded in Durban. i imagine there is one around.
Danie Gerber - 61 years old. Downs to ownwhere he caught the virus. No need to open the story peeps if u are short of data.
Was the LockDown a good Idea after all seems like we want to flatten something that is on the rise sabcnews