However, Tuesday’s announcement that LIV would merge with the established US PGA Tour and the European DP World Tour following months of acrimony, caused surprise and prompted widespread reaction.“My own country sells military technology to Saudi Arabia,” he posted. “So many other compromises. Yes this is sports washing and yes unfortunately it proves sports washing works. But maybe [there is] one positive, inclusion and trade has shown to improve and change countries involved for the better.
The bombshell story drew other high profile social media responses, including from former US president Donald Trump who described it as a “big, beautiful and glamorous deal”. Trump’s golf courses had been scheduled to host LIV tournaments. Phil Mickelson, a multi-major winning golfer who became a headline defector to LIV, posted: “Awesome day today”.
In the US, however, the 9/11 Families United group, representing relatives of the deceased, said it was “shocked and deeply offended” by the merger. “Saudi operatives played a role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and now it is bankrolling all of professional golf,” it said.
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