Everyone's blaming health insurance company greed for the soaring claims denials and roadblocks to care. That's naive. Follow the money to find the real culprits: lying politicians. In 2013, before Affordable Care Act regulations kicked in, insurers denied roughly 1.5% of claims, according to the American Medical Association. But under ACA rules, denials increased tenfold. Now nearly 15% of claims are denied, reports Premier, an insurance consultant firm.
Obamacare advocates promised everyone would be charged the same regardless of their 'preexisting conditions.' The math doesn't work. Every year, 5% of the population uses over 50% of the healthcare. That's a fact of nature, politics aside. Telling insurers to cover the 5% for the same price they charge healthy people is like providing monthly groceries to a skinny fashion model and the winner of Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest for the same price. Ridiculous.