Re the “child care crisis” essays : Who disagrees with prioritizing our children? The authors’ experiences open important conversations about paying for child care. Their innovative approaches are a starting point.seemed to point toward more government funding, a better start is to dissect the causes of expensive child care. “Licensed” caregivers may be the gold standard. But to be honest, the government’s licensing standards are at the core of the price dilemma.
Education, facilities, inspections and other high-cost prerequisites are barriers to entry for most capable, trustworthy people who would love to fill the current gaps. California has the most demanding, even onerous licensure requirements. These economic artificialities to what could be solved by a freer market won’t happen as long as our state legislators and unelected regulators retain their stranglehold on the system.
3 thoughts: Utah State 67, No. 20 SDSU 66 … the iffy call, late half lethargy and a triple threat of calamity