“As we said in October, Fox News Media regularly considers programming changes and plans have been in place to launch new formats as appropriate post-election, including on FOX Business – this is part of those planned changes," a spokesperson for Fox News said in a statement."A new 5PM program will be announced in the near future.”
In the meantime, the 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. hours will be occupied by a show called Fox Business Tonight, which will initially be hosted by Jackie DeAngelis on Monday and Tuesday and David Asman for the remainder of next week.However, Dobbs has indulged in commentary that has crossed into conspiracy theories, particularly since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016.
He'll be fine He's been saving his pension money for 50 years
I’m glad to see this conspiracy theorist go, but what about Sean Hannity, Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Piro, Tucker Carlson just to name a few? They constantly spread unfounded, borderline crazy conspiracy theories to appease Trump. Fox “News” is little more than propaganda.
Tucker Carlson: Fox News Media is the Cancel Culture. Boycott all their shows.
The country is healing.
I can’t believe the amount of people that sacrificed their careers for Trump. What do they see in him?
The Swamp Creatures made it happen at Fake Fox News!
Lmfao it’s just cuz fox is getting slapped with lawsuits from every direction 😂😂
Here's the thing, he was only broadcasting for one audience member, Trump. Fact is Dobbs is the biggest reason Fox News was named in the Dominion Lawsuit....Dominion is not going to subject their company to discovery if they changed votes...to believe otherwise is insanity.
Thoughts and prayers
Wow. The difference of what a lawsuit can do.
Couldn’t have happened to a sweeter fella. No he can focus all his efforts on that billion dollar lawsuit filed against he and his gang.
SuzanneLepage1 Cool!👍
Dobbs crawled into bed with Trump, FOX watched them make love, lasciviously drooled as the masses got off on their antics. Now FOX is been sued they've decided Dobbs came, conquered and can get off the air now. FOX can't afford to broadcast Right Supremacist Porn Politics now.
OAN has probably already offered him a job.
Lou Sobs!
They dropped the KAG for the bag.
Rupert Murdoch is as mad as hell and he's not going to fake it anymore!
So sad not
Good riddance!
Lmao you love to see it
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