"I have an idea for a blockchain social media system that does both payments and short text messages/links like Twitter," Musk texted."You have to pay a tiny amount to register your message on the chain, which will cut out the vest majority of spam and bots."
Musk said the site would have a"massive real-time database" that would keep permanent copies of messages and followers and a"Twitter-like app on your phone" that can access the database in the cloud.on Monday that the billionaire plans to add crypto functionality to Twitter after the site is approved for payments.Musk's idea for a blockchain-based platform feed into some of his discussions around Twitter's revenue model.
making money from Twitter via alternative methods, including charging some users to be on the site. Shortly after buying Twitter, Musk began charging Twitter users for the app's blue check mark. The billionaire has also noted the app could help foster payments directly to users, though Twitter launched a"It's important for content creators to have a revenue share," Musk
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