Loblaw’s Joe Fresh brand was a customer when the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh collapsed 10 years ago on April 24, 2013.“The Accord is proven. If aren’t signing these, they are spoiling their own image,” Akter said. “They are essentially jeopardizing the lives of workers. What can be a bigger shame than this?”
The complaint is still being processed, but Canadian Tire denied the allegations and said it follows local laws and regularly tracks what its suppliers pay their workers. Canadian Tire did not respond to a request for comment. “Brands can’t just impose requirements without also being willing to pay a price. That’s not tenable,” she said.
He hopes companies such as Lululemon Athletica Inc., which he said currently sources “low-end” products from Bangladesh, deal in higher-value products. Lululemon did not respond to a request for comment. Akter, meanwhile, is focused on higher wages and better living conditions for workers which, according to studies, still require plenty of work.
대한민국 최근 뉴스, 대한민국 헤드 라인
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