For less than $9 a month, InvestingPro's Fair Value tool helps you find which stocks to hold and which to dump at the click of a buttonsurged this year, reaching an all-time high of $2,570.4 per ounce last month, gaining over 20% since the start of the year. After this strong rally, the metal has since consolidated within a narrow range, suggesting these gains may be sustainable with potential for further growth.
Given this backdrop, it’s no surprise that stock market investors are turning their attention to gold stocks. To help identify the best opportunities for capitalizing on a potential continued rise in gold prices, we used the InvestingPro screener to highlight stocks that meet key criteria. Moreover, the stock is slightly undervalued according to InvestingPro Fair Value, which assigns it a bullish potential of +7.3%.
The chart trend remains bullish, despite a correction in the last week of August and the first week of September. Worse still, InvestingPro's Fair Value estimates the stock at $73.83, i.e. 6.7% below the current price. It should be noted, however, that the valuation models do not take into account the bullish potential of gold, whose trend will have a major influence on the share price over the coming months.With many gold stocks having already made strong gains since the start of the year, they could continue to outperform if the yellow metal continues to rise.
대한민국 최근 뉴스, 대한민국 헤드 라인
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