"Fish farming is my mother's business," says Nurudeen Quadri, a 38-year-old fish farmer from Ijebu-Ode in southwest Nigeria as he enters Eriwe farm village."I have been coming here since I was very small. When I graduated from university, I started my own farm."
With the workers, he does maintenance and repairs in and around the ten ponds of his farm, two of which are used for rearing fingerlings. During harvest time, they sell the fish. "There are about 150 basins of catfish on the fire now," Mary says, or some 3 750 kilograms. She adds that most of them come from Eriwe farm. The smoked catfish will be sold at the market in Onitsha, some 300 kilometres to the east."People, even from abroad, come there and buy our goods."
"Catfish is a good business," says Abubakar Usman, an FAO expert in Nigeria's catfish sector and lead for the FISH4ACP programme in the country. Demand for fish is huge. With over 223 million people, Nigeria is Africa's most populous nation, and fish makes up over 40 percent of people's animal protein intake, of which at least one-quarter is catfish.
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