The Sunday scaries — anxiety on Sunday nights about the work or school week ahead — are a major phenomenon. If you're dealing with them, it may be because you're not doing what you were meant to be doing.
So, what brings on the Sunday scaries? More often than not, they're a result of one — or a combination — of these five causes:You feel overwhelmed with your workload.Hopefully, when you look at that list, you realize you're not crazy about having the Sunday scaries. Don't waste your time"medicating." Don't live in that torturous cycle. Instead, do the hard work of finding a permanent solution to your Sunday night anxiety. Here are two solutions to help you get started:First, I encourage you to shift your mindset from one that dreads work to one that is grateful to even have work.
You can start this journey right where you are! Be intentional about making connections with the people in your office, and then move out to those in your office building , your neighborhood, your city, andInvite people who have careers you might be interested in coffee or lunch. Volunteer with organizations in the field you're interested in or ask if you can shadow someone at their job. Find local clubs you can meet with regularly for mentorship and support .