As the world scrambles to find a cure to coronavirus, there is one self-administered treatment that is undoubtedly not going to provide the solution: 40% proof alcohol.
AustineSMiller1 Hahaha
JackCockerill link to the vid in the article 😂
This is what humans refer to as 'humour'. Nothing for journalists to worry about
I see that his alcohol recovery didn't last too long.
In America everyone is the Tiger King.
I hope I am not wrong in tweeting this, but my memory is rather foggy, I admit and accept, but he could hit a ball for 200 yards with a wedge. I had trouble achieving the same with a driver at times. I should be ashamed of myself.
I often wonder who does more drugs? JohnDaly or THEDULLARD Donald Trump?! WhatduUthink? DoUstillThink!? ImJustSayin.... ....inmyhumbleopinion.... ....BothRsadDrugandAlcoholabusers! VOTEBLUE2020!
Good! Keep drinking! lots & lots of vodka
vodka is life
That’s Dr. Daly to you ..
John.. just stop. We know you're a drunk already
CNN seems to be OK with it!
Who is John Daly?
More liability for the Trump Org and its' people.
realDonaldTrump WhereAreTheTests?
John Daly is absolutely nobody’s role model.
It's a joke with the elites because they know the inside story.