Filmmaking duo Chris Overton and Rachel Shenton, best known for their Oscar-winning short, have set a new slate of projects at their UK-based production company Slick Films., created by Omar Deneb Juárez and Camilo Gutiérrez Galván of Sauce Negro Films, Chris Overton’s. All three films will screen at Hollyshorts this the tale of a single mother who loses the custody of her son and struggles to make amends for her past mistakes.
She pleads for a chance to bring him back home. To do so, she must overcome her financial strains and the complicated care of her sick grandmother.tells the story of a grieving father who goes to extreme measures, using AI technology to relive their fondest memories.follows an eponymous character played by Gregg Chilingirian, who is momentarily distracted from an existential crisis by the enigmatic Kiyoni.