The same society that would create the Marlboro Man and revere the masculinity of John Wayne who went to war on movie sets!
Forks kill more people each year.
In an ultra-liberal Connecticut Supreme Court they could only get a 4-3 ruling! This ruling will be overturned by the US Supreme Court, guaranteed!
My heart cries for David Wheeler bc he lost a first grader at Sandy Hook, such a small child that was terrorized by a gunman. I pray to God that the class action suit they are filing will be won, so it can be the beginning of healing & stopping the killings.. USSupremeCourt
2A is perfectly legitimate. So you know, cars kill nearly as many people as guns. Let's ban cars.
So if a killer uses a bucher knife , you sue the company that made the knife? Insanity! What if the killer uses a Louisville slugger
PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE. Ridiculousness
The case will be appealed to the Supreme Court.