And about time too!
Newspapers will be a thing of the past in 5 years time I vouch for you 🗞 social media will bring the news ‘live’ 😀
"Our failing business model must be subsidised". Go on, charge Google to index your site, they'll simply deindex you. Genius
And I think it long overdue that town criers demand a levy on newspapers.
And not news. Everyone needs protecting from this fake tech world. Literally skimming off the top of the people who actually do the work. govtech needs to wake up . Luddites weren't wrong. They were victims
Journos can't make a living selling their largely mediocre tappings on the old QWERTY so they want Google and Facebook to pay their wages. I don't think so
translation " the person that owns the english newspaper industry, the australian, wants something", that headline isbetter.
If they go this route, they deserve to die
Makes sense if you sales are down
This actually isn't a bad idea. The aggregators have been living off of the content of others under the guise of "fair use" for decades now. It's a lie. Aggregators take ad revenue from people who actually work to produce the content aggregators use without compensation.
Could send ripples around the world. Particularly in South Korea where portals upstage newspapers.
translation "murdoch wants something"