You don't think that's accidental do you? Great way to make a buck when going short...
Lol wut
Do you really think anyone actually believes these mysterious 'polls' you keep coming up with? 😂
Are you still around?
Of course -- investors don't like to see the White House turned into a loony-bin.
So... might be interesting to see what he & the rest of the trumps do in the market right before he tweets... just sayin'
Are we surprised by this? Every time he opens his mouth he damages something or defames America!
Se lo he dicho hace tiempo. Tambien afecta el precio del petroleo con sus 'violaciones', hunde a los Petroleros de Enquisto.
I would agree to that... I support some of his policies as a pro-business move but could do without the constant off the cuff comments that have a detrimental impact.
because polling random people is exactly how the stock market works
Not as damaging as they are to his future freedom