Strasbourg Alsace France Strasbourg standing forever
So, two shootings today and neither in America. Must be fake according to the so called experts online who claims it only happens in America.
Another shooting in France This is becoming an epidemic. Maybe they should ban guns.... Oh wait... They have
Another senseless murderous attack in France. My thoughts and prayers goes out to the country and all those affected. So sad, especially this time of year. Terrible
Is it not allowed to say Islamic terrorist or shall we just blame far right social media accounts?
Muslims 101.
More to come, they will target xmas markets probably run people down with cars. This is going to escalate. The world is so broken
Sounds like they need some 'common sense' gun control
And what do the gun control idiots say about this? France has strict gun control. But the criminals (i.e., terrorists in this case) ignore gun control laws.
Sending love to the victims and families, its just heartbreaking that these people have been hurt. Love Xx❤️💋
What I want to know is are we going to guard our Christmas markets?
To busy policing citizens and not potential terrorists ,one questions the timing.
Whatttt? I thought the UK was safe because they have strict gun laws? Are you telling me bad guys don’t care about the law? Impossible.
So, basic info is: Gunman kills people, is on the run, is known to police and on watchlist. So surely the first thing any competent police force does in this situation is release details of the attacker to the public for our own safety and to help catch him? Why haven’t they? 🤔
So much for Macron’s embracing Multiculturalism FranceProtests ViveLaFrance
French police are trying to hide the fact many people died... they claimed only one
When will europe smarten up? Soon the fools will be islamized. Amazing how easily cowed so many are.
Islamic terrorism strikes again.
When something like this happen i hope is on the streats just people who say (Refugee Welcome).
It's a false flag to take away attention from the yellow jackets protest . Dont be fooled.
Annnndddd it’s muslims
Ok, before the 'repeal the 2nd amendment' arguments start, let's look at Switzerland and their CRIME rate, not just murder rate. It is the lowest in the world and every household has a military-grade rifle, not our American civilian rifles. Look at the facts, not opinions.
This is so sad
Oh no
Very anxious
Prayers for France and the whole world..
🙏🙏🙏 For France.
What other good reasons does one need to tighten who could and deserves to come in our country? Only those could/would contribute to our land, not just to live off government benefits and cause terror here.
Lol and this PM wants to talk shit about Americans and Mr.Trump and USA. Fix your shit first or ask Mr.Trump what to do. Sorry for what’s happening
Here we go again!
France's way of stopping protests?
EmmanuelMacron You are never going to get re-elected. Here comes MLP_officiel
Ban all guns in France!!!
Good grief. How many more mass shootings must the French endure?
Unnecessary..... indescribable pain 😔
Another good he reads the koran everyday...this religion causes mental illness because of its intolerance of other beliefs...
Nothing says pro open boarder Europe like an anual Christmas market massacre.. What a disgrace.
France clearly has a gun problem, you guys should have strict gun laws to stop bad people from obtaining firearms.... oh, wait.
Uncanny timing, here!
I wonder why we don't get pictures or the name of the suspect. 🤔
Shot heard around the world part 2?
LoOk aT EuRoPe tHeY bAnNeD gUnS aNd tHeY hAvE nO pRoBleMs
Sorta weird, that French Police conducted terror in Paris and nothing really has been said.
But Europe's idyllic gun control...
clairewad, are you ok?
This world has gone crazy...I was there for Xmas 22 years ago....a real traditional town esp. with the most peaceful holiday spirits
Invite Muslim barbarians from third world shitholes into civilized nations where their backwards cult can spread like the plague and this is what happens
realDonaldTrump look at what you have done please stay in America
Build the wall! USMilitary wall Freedom
'religion of peace'
Guess vigils will be held, candles lit etc. This is so incredibly upsetting.
Funny how this never use to happen. What could have changed... 🤔
It's very pathetic😔😞
normalkorean22 Diversity macht frei.
Praying for France in its most desperate and trying times.
Religion of peace!!!
Shoot ALL Muslims in the face... only way to be safe..Earth is a more peaceful planet without the Muslim cancer!!
Obviously another group that gets offended by Christmas.. ReligionOfPeace
Bro what the fuck is up with France rn. I thought they couldn’t have guns.
But France has gun control
Allah akbar ? Or disgruntled loner?
How is it possible if guns are illegal in Europe?
I hope everyone realizes that this story can’t possibly be true. Firearms aren’t even legal in France.
Alan's snack bar?
A christmas gift in advance from the most peaceful community on the planet, result of welcoming RefugeesWelcome/mmigrants around the globe ISIS affected areas
Mass shooting in Brazil, too! Brazil
Horrible. Prayers 4 France
Prayers for all affected
So sorry this happened. France is going through tough times, now. FranceStrong
But I thought America was the only country with mass shootings?
Am dreading another Terrorist attack in the UK
Need to edit your headline if accuracy means anything... Terrorist attack not shooting incident.. My students have incidents at school.. This was NOT an incident
Catch Him !!!
So the war begins
Very sad 🌎 we live in. Just wish for peace ☮️ and happiness 😃
Several people are injured and killed everyday in the US due to the millions of illegal guns on the streets but you fail to cover that.
The French had a chance to vote in a president that would clean up the mess. But they voted Macron—who let in countless more illegals. I don’t have pity for them anymore.
New normal. New European Christmas tradition. Who cares?
You find that man! The man with the One arm!
Inspector Clouseau, you're looking for a muslim!
Islam is such a peaceful religion
Four dead gunman still on the run
How is this possible davidhogg111 ?Strict gun laws in France. Oh wait, the bad guys will always get the guns. The good people can’t protect themselves. Maybe you’ll see the light someday. Praying for all involved.
Let me guess🤔🤔🤔 the man was mentally ill and had nothing to do with ISLAMICTERRORIST? I've got mental health and if I even looked at somebody the wrong way it would be considered 'wacist' piss off, WE KNOW.
Probably Macron trying to get out of the spotlight with a little “false flag” operation.
Why ? There is no reason or rhyme to kill innocent people just going about their business ! Sending heartfelt prays xxx
Wait. Wait. Wait. I thought France had VERY STRICT GUN LAWS OR NO GUNS? How did this happen You mean a criminal got a gun? But but but......
So fucking bored of this
These people aren’t here to assimilate. Wake the hell up.
Radical... just a guess
Praying for the family's in tragic...may God be with you and comfort you.
🙌🏻 d i v e r s i t y 🙌🏻
Just a normal Christmas market in europe then , thank you to the pro-Islamic open borders advocates.
Needs more gun control and immigrants As France gets more liberal it just keeps getting better and better for everyone It's so clear progressive
Update please!
The day after Macron makes his (recorded) speech. I’m not buying it!
Peaceful islam strikes again
EU & NGOs at war with Nation states terrorising their culture. These events wouldn’t exist without their handiwork
Oh my
ChristmasMarkets are terrorists targets.🎅🎄🎁
Light a candle, change a profile pic, hold hands, sing a song, refuse to acknowledge the cause of this and wait for the next attack.
Good G-d, does it never end? This is one of my favorite memories growing up, walking through the streets of strasbourg as a child, looking at all the Christmas lights at the Grands Galleries, Magmod, and Wery, the toy store. Now shitbags are ruining this beautiful city.
Oh dear 😟
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