has expanded to launch a production company, BAMFI Enterprises, continuing the nonprofit organization’s mission to bring awareness to missing persons of color, provide vital resources and tools to missing person’s families and friends and to educate the minority community on personal safety.
“In building the Black and Missing Foundation, we learned early on that awareness, exposure of an issue is key to ignite change and a call to action,” said BAMFI Enterprises founders Natalie Wilson and Derrica Wilson in a statement announcing the production company. News of BAMFI Enterprises’ creation follows the 2021 HBO docuseries “Black and Missing,” which chronicled the investigative work by the Wilsons and their dedication to searching for missing persons when police and media efforts fall short. Natalie Wilson, a veteran public and media relations professional, serves as Chief Operating Officer of the Black and Missing Foundation, while Derrica Wilson is a certified human trafficking investigator and serves as CEO of the nonprofit.
racial discrimiantion & segregation always seems fine when initiated by black people.