SAN DIEGO — More than just plumbing and HVAC training is happening inside John Stevenson Plumbing, Heating & Air in Carlsbad."When we were in high school and in grade school, it was really exciting when we had a three-day weekend because that was three days off, and now we actually get to have that every single week," said plumber Skyler Dreher.
“All the technicians have that extra day of rest where we can just like mentally recuperate and really kinda take a load off. It’s not so much it doesn’t get overbearing," he told ABC 10News.“If you’re a busier person during the week and you have stuff that you have to take care of," he said. “A lot of healthier, happier [employees], a lot fewer callouts for being sick, a lot less time off for ancillary things like dentist appointments [and] doctors appointments," she explained."You have to go through this very long process — there’s a voting process, there’s an initiation process, there’s an approval through the department of labor process so it does take time," said Rush.
It would also require employers to pay employees overtime if they work more than 32 hours. If the bill becomes law, John Stevenson Plumbing, Heating & Air said it'll just become more creative.