It just does not pass the 'pub test'.
Normally the travel itinerary would include a tax invoice so you can see what your fees cover. He should be required to produce his travel documents from helloworld.
Write about the real story! How the government just bowled labor, Phelps and the greens saying yeah you can come to Australia... just go to Christmas Island though
I usually pay my account when I am invoiced. Though sometimes I don't receive the bill, or perhaps I overlook, but the likes of AmexAU, ANZ_AU, VodafoneAU take no hostages when ravaging you with late payment fees. Sounds like helloworldau should be the one we all be deal with
Awww. Bless him. He’s barely awake these days. Especially at work.
Could happen to anyone let's face it
A family holiday to Singapore and you don’t know if it’s paid for. 🤥
pull the other one
He need to go, too many lapses from this one politician
Oh no not sinodinos ? Again.
Simply unacceptable. Snout in the trough.
Seriously how can you MathiasCormann not resign .... ohh sorry to ask, forgot u r a liberal and it is acceptable to be corrupt
Any Grade 1 public servant with responsibility for contracts knows the risk of inducements from private companies and groups. We know Minister Cormann can’t count, but that is no excuse. I don’t believe him. He is lying, or at best, incompetent.
Of concern the public servant who worked for the best deal for taxpayers was moved sideways. This is a great example of why agencies like ASIC are toothless. Fllunkies or relatives of political power brokers get appointed as heads of agencies
Did he fly by helicopter, their preferred snout in trough mode of flying.
If you are that incompetent you don't know if you are paying for your own flights how can you be in charge of our finances...
Stupidity is no defense!
The Finance Minister didn’t know whether or not over $5000 had gone from his account? How did he think the tickets were paid? He’s eith dishonest or incompetent.
Nearly $3k worth of family holiday airfares, & “no idea” how they were paid for (or even whether) .... time for a cigar with the major shareholder Sloppy Joe in Washington to discuss the “lifters & leaners”!
It was leaked to a journo,expect more freebees to come out strong rumor
Give them all a free trip and mandatory indefinite stay on Christmas Island. The government, that is.
Anyone for a RoyalCommission into Federal Politicians? (on-going that is) Politics
Of course the Belgium criminal didn’t
nkweggs Yeh he did....
They are all crooks......
He has been entrusted with Australia’s finances, yet he can’t remember not paying for holiday airfares. 🤔🤦🏻♂️w⚓️
Yet more lies, corruption and poor personal finance management from someone in a position of power.
judbell43 Amazing I check what I have spent on my cc each day. Takes 30 secs. This dude has no idea what it is like for most of us. And he is sposed to be the finance Minister
Tanks for da ticket Cormann
Snouts down wallowing in the per usual they don’t even care when caught
Faceless man
Too rich or too disingenuous?
Oh please, lets do an investigation into burke..
It DOESN'T MATTER if he didn't know he didn't pay It DOESN'T MATTER if he paid the money after getting media enquiries It DOESN'T MATTER if he has no influence over awarding contracts Whether through negligence or incompetence or intentional corruption, he HAS GOT TO GO!
Sack him immediately, who's sick of these crims? Politicians have zero ethics and they still keep there jobs. KICKHIMOUT
It it’s true; then really these fat cats live in a very different universe as the rest of country. Yet people still vote for corrupt party. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
A one-way ticket back to Austria would be a good idea. Take your corruption and go.
The LNP - the party of Lurks N Perks! Or maybe Lies N Promises. auspol
What a load of shit!
Really who hasn't taken a luxury overseas family holiday and not noticed you hadn't paid for it? HappensAllTheBloodyTime GlassHouses
helloworld owned by a senior member of the party wins a government contract from a liberal government, and then in an 'administrative error' doesn't charge a sitting minister for his holiday booked through the service his department was involved in the tender process. auspol
Totally normal and good.
Of course he doesn't! What with the secretaries, the personal assistants, the assistant to the assistant, the travel agent, the international tour company, the cruise ship companies, etc...... Mathias Cormann doesn't know who paid & booked the holiday he went on...? WTF?
he's a finance minister, right, yet he can't keep his personal accounts in order. rotten to the core, this government ElectionNow
This government is turning out to be unbelievably corrupt. australians need to wake up and throw AusLiberalParty and The_Nationals out! auspol
TimCampbellTwit CluelessMathias
I am sure he will be given the same support and understanding that LiberalAus gave single working mothers who unknowingly received too much government payments received in regards to paying the money back.
lives up to his name CONMAN
So, how many of the LNP have not been caught out Lying to the Australian People so far?
Just out of the blue. Just like that. Pure chance nothing more 🤔
Agreed Mathias has No idea
'No idea' How stupid do you think the Australian public are? 😏Oh that's right somebody voted these imbeciles in 😕
Taking tips from Tony Burke?
why would he know they are always travelling
RobMax4 So many troughs. Only one snout. So little time.
I think there should be a royal commission into all the major contracts the government has given over the past 5 years
And pigs might fly Cormann
Good thing MathiasCormann is Finance Minister. Clearly he’s all over expenditure and finances. Man we could be in trouble if he wasn’t so adept... auspol
Let me just say ...I believe barryofarrell forgot his bottle of plonk ...but I don’t believe MathiasCormann .Mr Cormann should stand down from politics. Auspol
That’s because the the cabinet and government of “no ideas” and “no responsibility”
Magpie1954nBird The tickets appeared like magic in his hands.😂😂
If MathiasCormann can’t manage his own affairs then how can he be trusted to manage the affairs of government?
Just hate when that happens.
Ex -Premier barryofarrell had the decency to resign for much less when he forgot a bottle of plonk ...why don’t you Mr. Cormann MathiasCormann Auspol
bencubby Numbers man.
bencubby I have no idea how that $2500 came to be in my wallet, in my back pocket. I didnt put itcthere
Yeah. Right.
As per usual. Only paid back after being exposed and pretended both sides 'had no idea'. VoteThemAllOut auspol Elections2019
bsadams25 These Lieberal/Neutered Pups are so corrupt it is no longer funny! We need a Federal ICAC with retrospectivity! 🤬🤬🤬
Well in his defence he probably thinks everything is free.
For God’s sake. I don’t believe this
You can't spell Cormann without CONMAN.
Miss one communication from Centrelink and a newstart recipient is penalised. doublestandard
Does it ever stop Every day, 3 times a day. Just over it. Cheating, cruelty, fraud, rorts, lies and sleaze.
Is it because MathiasCormann gets so much in expenses on top of his very generous salary he has no idea where money is coming from, left right and centre (well maybe not so much left)
If it happened and it was undeclared, that’s a clear example of unethical behaviour
Cormann, Cash & the Spud seem to have collective convenient memory lapse. Always remember to deflect though... Look over there, refugees! Or “but but but Labor” 🙄 I hope Labor smashes these corrupt, entitled wankers come election time.
The Lucky Country: free holidays without needing to find out who paid. Only catch is you’ve to be a politician or drug dealer or ?. auspol
Extreme corruption
This disgraceful cancer on democracy shows again why the Oz public has nothing but contempt for him and his ilk
What of the more serious conflict whereby party member's businesses are given lucrative government contracts?🤔
How do you not know how your holiday is paid for...................
Tsk, tsk, tsk Mathias. Hell of a coincidence.
Someone in his staff did...there is no way in heck that this wasn’t know. Is this deniability at work?
Pretty sure this should disqualify you from being a Finance Minister. If you were in Opposition and your government counterpart was behaving like this, what would you be saying? Pretty sure the words “incompetent” and “the Minister should resign” would be used, yes? auspol
clearly lying as night follows day
Everything politicians get is free so this is no different to normal.
paulch_6 'Mathias Cormann had 'no idea' a travel company had given him a free trip' ScuMo's partner must have needed a holiday. Lets give him a long one. Vote LNP out& pack him off back to the EPP fatherland schnell
MathiasCormann has no idea about most things! auspol
Wow you have no idea ... not sure if you are still fit to be a minister...
The man expects us to believe that the LNP never fail to insult the very people who they represent He is Finance Minister enough auspol
Not unusual the whole LNP has 'no idea' either!
Seriously, if he is that incompetent he needs to go.
I'd believe it, there's no way this guy books his own travel.
Doesn't pass the pub test
Enough of the LIES. Federal ICAC Now
This is why we need a FederalICAC sign the petition to get it on the agenda.
A strategic memory lapse, Mr Cormann?
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