Readers enjoy the Olympics; worry about New Mexico luring Texas doctors; comment on the politics of practice by Texas electric companies; and want both sides presented in discussing elections.
To the leadership in Austin as well as our legislators: Wake up. Women in Texas are already at risk if a life-threatening medical emergency arises while they are pregnant, and the situation will only get worse if legislators continue to do nothing to reduce the negative consequences of Texas abortion policies. Doctors are leaving the state, residency applications have declined and women are at risk.
Texans froze to death in their homes, and well-heeled, politically connected companies got richer. Texas consumers got the bill, because they continue to elect politicians who can be bought and paid for.The question is sometimes asked: What makes a good leader? The prisoner swap that happened last week displayed some of the qualities of a good leader, perhaps even a great one.
In this global world, our leaders must have the ability to form relationships with allies in friendly countries. This is important to the security of the United States.What an amazing letter Jones wrote. He is saying all the things I have wanted to say for so long but didn’t think would be published. I am so grateful to finally see comments about Donald Trump that do not try to normalize the things he does and says.