The Good Class Bungalow on Astrid Hill with the majestic rain tree towering above it For price trends, recent transactions, other project info, check out the Astrid Hill, Jervois Hill, Yarwood Avenue, Swiss Club Road, and Ford Avenue project details page
Standing at the corner of her property on Astrid Hill is a majestic rain tree that towers above the roof of her house. It is said to be at least 80 years old and has been there well before Shi moved into the house in 1979. It happened in February 2015 when Muzayyin engaged an arborist to trim the overhanging branches from the rain tree, according to a court judgment. Shi then drove to the Muzayyins’ house and berated the family. She left when Muzayyin told her to leave. But she returned shortly and removed the key from the “cherry picker”, a lorry with a tall crane used by the arborist’s worker to prune the branches.
The Muzayyins sued Shi for “the nuisance of her ever-growing rain tree” and for Shi’s trespass onto their land. Muzayyin also sued her for assault and putting him in fear of injury. The magistrate ordered $4,000 as aggravated damages for Shi’s trespass on her neighbour’s land. He also ordered $1,500 for her assault on Muzayyin.