Ramaphosa is expected to engage investors and business leaders on the sidelines of the summit, with the aim of attracting further investment into South Africa.
The overarching theme is that ‘Africa’s home-made solutions are becoming more relevant as the continent takes its destiny into its own hands’. President Ramaphosa is accompanied by Minister of Small Business Development, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, and Presidential Special Envoy on Investment, Mcebisi Jonas.
Africa hold summit in London. Wtf
Angiboni kahle! What the F did I just read?
An African summit or report back? Surely, if it was an African summit it would have been held in the continent of Africa. CyrilRamaphosa Ramaphosa
🙆🏾♂️The more things change the more they stay the same. Africa summit out of Africa, reminiscent of the BerlinConference. Now you know how Africa was conquered, it keeps submitting with a strategy, making it impotent to counterattack
This picture is incongruous
Africa summit in London?, this is pure madness
m sure he's the first one to arrive
Why in London Why
How is this even allowed African summit in another continent, it shows that we are still the scavengers of the colonisers. Am ashamed of this leaders we have.
They should call it Africa Investors Summit, not African Summit, if its like this, mos.
Wow, was there no suitable venue anywhere in Africa? Or is this a case of beggers can't be chooserz🤔African leaders, pls stop presenting Africa as beggars.
Thats were you will miss Mugabe and Gadaffi
That's why our country is like this. Our president is at Summit Club🙁
Can clever Blacks tell us that there is nothing wrong if the African summit is held in London
lmfao!! african summit in london? indeed we are captured
Africa is led by a bunch of fools
I strongly believe that Mugabe wasn't going be a part of it.... 'Afrikan Summit in Euro..,
Ranyelwa moo
Clever Blacks eh😭😭 To think its 2019!
What if the African leaders are trying to colonize the Europeans.🤔🤔😂🤣🤔🤔
After reading all your comments, I feel like crying. I have never seen a betrayal from and by our African leaders of this degree. What in the hell's business does the African Summit had to do with London. We are leaderless, seriously. I wouldn't mind if it was held in Cuba, but L
Mthura08669003 Aaaaaaaaaaa goa swana
African summit in London?🤷♂️
Africa capturing lol
This is sad.
It’s like getting married in a brothel.
Africa summit in London neh? So, London is the capital city of Africa...
He is in London for his holiday I don't see his magogo,he has joined Jeff Radebe with desperation?
Hebbana why Africa Summit in London vele? 🤥🤥🤥, Why not in Zambia , Angola or
In Africa we dont have a venue to host such, we dont have a simple hall to host our corrupt and useless presidents.
CyrilRamaphosa went to take instructions from his masters in London
Yah ne , inde lendlela , kazi soyoke sifike yini la seiyakhona😱😱😱
TF is there an Africa Summit in Europe, you'd never see europeans do that, what a joke😂
A Berlin Conference 1884 in a new Version 2019
The unknown man.
China African Summit , Japan African Summit , India African Summit , London African Summit. 😂THIS CONTINENT HHAYI
Perhaps there’s Africa in London guyz 🤢
Is it really hard to host the summit in Africa than in Europe.
Kanjani manje....kanti Africa is in London?
I fail to understand why an African summit be held in London, is it really an African summit vele?
Ramaphosa arrives at Headquarters for Africa Summit
Weeeeeeeh asina Freedom tuu!!!!
What on earth is this ay
African summit in London, really . Are we that stupid.
Africa summit in London is like Umsebenzi wakwa Zwane wenzelwe kwaNyalunga!!!
Africa Summit in London Hebanna. Kante Silili ujwang😑
'Arrives in London for Africa summit' that statement alone😭
London fr Africa summit...y in London?
Why not In SA All the visits and no real action in SA. Results pls
African summit outside Africa? Hehe
Africans will be used to shield the pain and aftershocks of Brexit on the queen. This little group discussion wrongly named 'African Summit' is not abt the interests of Africa but a way to cocoon UK from the Brexit effects. Africans will again be the main casualty of Brexit.
African summit in London? Please respect us toe
Can we have European summit in Zimbabwe please, if ever there's one
Why is it in London? Africa not available?
🤣🤣🤣 A summit outside of the continent it represents
Did you say African Summit in London?
Hao? Don't we have facilities na?
Africa summit in the UK wow!
Pure nonsense!
When are we having EU summit in Johannesburg
African leaders why not in Africa
This is the kinda crap that makes the world not to take us seriously
Are you ashamed of showing how he arrived?
Lezinja lezi, azinangqondo. Apologies to the 🐕 for an insult.
So, that's where they get looting instructions from their masters.
why is Africa summit held in London?
Africa summit ko London mara bathong
African summit in London?
African summit held in another continent,thats pure nonsense
What a sad story !!!
Ramaphosa thou is he for real? 😳
African summit in London Njani? Why not in Zimbabwe or any other country in Africa
Africa summit in London. Question where is Africa
How do even discuss African agenda in the land of the enemy 😴🙄we are indeed prisoners of Hope, that's why African people will never transgress and proceed generally
This is si wrong how do you discuss African agenda in a foreign land worse London 😭 this African have long sold and imperialist are in charge of us
what is the meaning of this nonsense? Africa Summit in London.
They're there to get orders from their masters
Africa is captured
Africa Summit in London?
African leaders are a joke
There is no reason good enough to justify this stupidity. These leaders are either stupid or bewitched.
And more lies will will be told
RonaldLamola is selling out under your guidance Mr Lamaphosa
OriahC interesting
Ai fuseg maan,
Africa summit in london how?
Heh banna? Africa in London?
African summit in London Africans are not serious
This one he's useless!
African summit in London 😂😂😂 this is a joke so weak our leader's are
Why have an Africa summit in London? Would Europe ever have a Euro Summit in Johannesburg (Egoli) ? When is this colonial mentality to stop?
WTF! Ramaphosa arrives in 'London' for 'Africa Summit', why not hold the damn thing in African soil? Colonialism and Apartheid has seriously damaged Blackman brains, lack of self respect and self esteem by these pensioners called African leaders 😱
Like realy african summit in london. Africans we are in trouble. Tjo
African summit in London?
Dont invest in a racist BBBEE government who only knows how to steal and do no work lazy BBBEE products
Africa Summit in London? Isende indlela eyankukulekweni struuu
ANC leaders are all bunch of stooges of the imperialist system . They're leaking assess of their white master's on the expense of black majority . Instead of fighting for the United states of Africa , they prefer to support the United Snake of America . What a shame ANC what a sh
He's going to sell everything that belongs to us, mmmx
African summit in Europe, you can't make this stuff up 🙄 ILoveAfricaButIamAshamedOfOurLeaders
Is there no country on the entire continent, capable of hosting the AfricaSummit? So colonial Britian comes to the rescue... Would be interesting to watch these African leaders step out their private jets in fine style, whilst their citizens live in grinding poverty.
African leaders biggest challenge is the beggar mentality in general 🤦🏽♂️
What? Where? I'm confused 😖
CyrilRamaphosa next time you must sponsor us Africans so that we can come you we just wanna see something 🤔
I'm being half-harsh, not only to CyrilRamaphosa but Africa, for not insisting that these summits be held on the continent n 'competition' of countries may be a problem! Anyway, this is more UK/Africa like China/Africa summit! Until there's US of Africa we'll be pulled by noses!
The venues in Africa are fully booked?
In London? Hhayi ke!!! Our darkest continent madoda
Africa summit in London🤔🤔? Ooohkkkay.... it must be reporting to the queen
🤷🤷🤷it's East London relax guys 😂😂😂
Africa summit in London. Africa have no leadership at all
Aaaaaaah madoda kusekude phambili kulelizwe lase Africa ubone ngezinto ezinjenga lezi ukuthi abaholi bakulelizwe lase Africa abanandaba kanjani, small businesses would have benefitted alot with this summit being held at any country in Africa. WHAT A SHAME!
Africa summit in London?
The what taking place where?
Africa Summit in London
Am I missing something kanti where is Africa Or The new Africa is in Europe
Africa summit in London
African summit in.... nvm
Sankara's spirit has died amongst the African leaders
Did he asked when is Brexit in case he missed the track...
Africans we don't even respect ourselves, Africa summit in London. Just recently all African heads of state got summoned in Japan.
This is why we will always be beggars taken advantage of if we can't stand up for ourselves. Why is an Africa summit about Africa being held in London? And why agree to attend when it is clear the organizers have no respect for you? CyrilRamaphosa
What Summit is this, I guess is recolonization summit?
So Africa Summit is in London and not In Africa? This doesn't make sense at all
African summit in London 🤔🤔
Africa summit in 'london' let that sink, 😂🤣 my continent in a joke. Whe should start hosting EU summits 😂😅
Africa is led by coons
Summoned by the queen
Why is African Summit Held in Landon ?
They always we must do in our own. He always running around seeking for a help. Mxm
Sponsored by London Financial Times annually.....spending money in their country,someone has to ask sponsors to take it to another country 👂👂
African summit in London?
Africa Summit held in London? We have imigodoyi as leaders.
Once any country needs a boost to their economy they quickly invite African leaders for a dumb ass conference.
This is embarrassing
London as like East London ya Eastern Cape?
This is how the borders were formed.
No wonder why African leaders die in European and Asian hospitals seeking medical treatment there.
African summit in London? He is going to sell South Africa
Africa Summit in London, let's host Europe Summit in Johannesburg I want to see something.
Africa Summit in London, let's host European Summit in Johannesburg I want to see something 😂😂😂😂😂
The President?
Africa summit you say. IN LONDON, these old kleptocrats are making us a joke, faaaaaaaaak
ali_naka this way, maybe you can balance us here👆🏾
A whole African summit in Europe
Let me.... 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
African summit to be held in London.. But we African are JOKE.
It clearly shows that the whole continent has handlers if not Africa summit was supposed to be in Africa.All the clever so called African presidents are the same if they couldn't see any wrong here
Do you know how fucked up that sound? Africa summit in London!🙄
Africa summit in London? 🤔🤔😏🤷♂️🤷♂️
A summit for Africa......eLONDON....someone balance me pls
Is it East London, Buffalo City Metro?
Africa summit held in London....how why
Can someone make me understand why africa summit is held there in London?
African summit in London?
For mid night deals.....n reporting back to his leaders
This is what I don't get why is an African summit not held in Africa? Instead it is held somewhere in Europe.
CR is reminding me of TB. Whn he ws busy with his Africa Renaissance shit, JZ ws busy mobilizing in the trenches. Somebody plz remind me whn is the next conference ye ANC, i want 2 see sumthng. MYANC we must gv a chance 2 sumbody else now, please
Africa Summit in London? Y'all are nothing but *** licking gatekeepers of white imperialism
It's not an African Summit if its not held on the AFRICAN Soil but it's for all the puppet leaders who are there to report to their handlers and masters.
Africa Summit in Europe.. Banna, we have long way indeed!!!
Why Africa summit e tswarwa ko London janong? Kgotsa go nale London mo Africa?
Why are we having Africa Summit in London? Lunch with kidnappers type of a thing.
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