In September 2020, Carney and Standard Chartered Plc Chief Executive Bill Winters launched a bold project to expand the controversial market for the financial instruments, which allow buyers to claim reduced greenhouse gas emissions often without making any changes to their own activity. Some 18 months later, the body is re-purposing its mission to tackle the criticism that offsets don’t represent real carbon reductions.
The slimmer version, with about 90 members, is dubbed the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market, and will instead focus on assuring the quality of offsets sold, according to Annette Nazareth, co-chair of the governance body and a former head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Targets to increase the size of the market have been ditched, and Carney’s promise of a pilot market early this year has also been scrapped, she said in an interview.
Voluntary carbon offsets represent a metric ton of reduced, removed or avoided greenhouse gas emissions, and are bought by companies and individuals to subtract emissions from their own accounts to declare improved environmental performance.
This validates that Carney, like Groper Trudeau and Jagmite Singh are shills for the corrupt climate crusaders. They plan to get rich off the backs of ordinary Canadians.