With the final weeks of summer comes those yellow and black flying, stinging pest, the wasp and the yellow jacket, and if you think this year is worse than others, you may not be alone.
“The change in weather, the change in feeding patterns, they do get worse this time of year,” says Robert Caron, Ottawa area manager with pest removal company Orkin. Across the street at the Aulde Dubliner & Pour House upstairs patio, Bryce Anderson, a visitor from Edmonton says, “We’ve been sitting here for about twenty minutes and we’ve been swarmed pretty good.”“They’re quite the nuisance,” he says.
Yeah. Would it have killed the city to hose down the garbages after pride on Bank st? Its more like wasp st. If someone gets stung and goes into anaphylaxis then what?
Wasps seek proteins in the spring so they tend to leave humans alone. In the fall they crave carbs: and all us people are sitting outside drinking beers and pop... all sorts of lovely sweet stuff that draws the wasps to us. So we notice them more come late summer/early fall.
People have bad memories, every year, everything is worse now than ever before even if it is the same or less LOL