All employers must have a process in place for workers to make formal requests for flexible work arrangements from Dec 1. SINGAPORE: Imagine this scenario: Your boss insists on you being in the office every day, but you need flexibility to better manage obligations to your family.released on Tuesday , which also state that it’s not reasonable for your boss to demand your presence just to see that you’re working.
While the new guidelines are not legally enforceable, employers can be issued a warning or sent for corrective workshops if they wilfully refuse to comply. Companies lacking FWAs thus risk creating a disengaged workforce, leading to lower productivity and, ultimately, a drop in business performance.This has to do with how employees’ goals align with their work, rather than just the location of their work. When employees feel their work arrangements support their personal and family goals, they become significantly more engaged and inclined to stay.
In essence, when companies show that they can support their employees’ work-from-home goals, they are more likely to retain them.