On the second Saturday of every month you can find Diane Shirah serving at the Webb Seniors Center. They have a good meal, hear a devotion and fellowship.WEBB, Ala. - This month’s Silent Hero is making it her mission to give them a place to grab a bite to eat, hear a good word, and be in great company.They have a good meal, hear a devotion and fellowship.
Shirah is over the Community Seniors Ministry. It is an outreach group that began with one goal in mind.“It was a struggle to start with,” expressed Shirah. There were outside influences, such as the aftermath of COVID-19, that briefly discouraged her from moving forward with the vision.“My insecurities,” said Shirah.“Making flyers or putting stuff out in the media. That was not my talent. So, I was just wondering who is going to do this stuff,” said Shirah.“The Lord laid it on my heart to do it and opened the doors,” expressed Shirah.
The help of volunteers and her grandchildren allowed her senior luncheon to take off. It grew bigger than she could imagine. So, if you find yourself wondering what to do on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, take a trip to the Webb Seniors Center to hang out with Shirah and her ministry group.