"I had terrible grades; I didn't go to college," he said during an interview on "" podcast. "Statistically I should not have been successful whatsoever, but I had an interest in working hard, and making money, and saving as much as I can, and really taking an interest to investing."
As the real-estate market improved, so did Stephan's commission checks. He'd reinvest his commissions with the income he was earning from his rentals to form a virtuous cycle. "I've always wanted to make Youtube videos, so that was always a dream of mine," he said. "I could make YouTube videos and talk about credit cards, and personal finance, and investing, and saving money.
"It's almost like a challenge to save money," he said. "I get so much enjoyment over just not spending it. I don't know why, it's like my brain is wired kinda weird." Although that coffee may seem like a trivial purchase given his 7-figure income, Stephan said that his whole philosophy really comes down to"To me, the more money I save, the more options it gives me — and if I can cut back on the things that don't matter — like coffee — and spend it more on the things that do, I just get enjoyment from that," he said.
Meet him with subscription better in person I guess.
I would like to read it but you need to pay for a subscription. 👎🏼
This guy is doing so well that when he goes to the restaurant, he shares food with his girlfriend instead of ordering two different plates
Who are you?!?!?!
Meet the paywall. *crash*
It’s Graham Stephan, he’s a great channel to follow on YouTube.
cant read it.... without a subscription!
I enjoy consuming this oke’s content.