. Some members of the Coalition have criticized Labor for setting a target of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050, with Nationals backencher Matt Canavan saying the policy will cost jobs in rural and regional Australia.
Nationals backbencher Matt Canavan said target by 2050 is “fantastical” and will be detrimental economically. However, Mr Carr told Sky News businesses, including the Business Council of Australia, AGL, BHP and Telstra, have endorsed a net zero 2050 emissions target. He said businesses “are on track” to drastically reduce emissions by 2050 “due to the surge of investment in solar and wind”.
Yes just like GM they want handouts.
Politicians (by this we mean LNP Politicians) are completely out of step. Even the BCA support net Zero by 2050
That would be Bob who locked up the National Parks so that no backburning or clearing could be done. 🤔🤔🤔
And that should tell you something, when has the business sector ever had anything other than their bottom at heart.
Lets listen to Do Nothing Bob ffs
That’s funny, government seems to look like they want the votes? Is that the message you’re putting out?