A friend of mine has started her own business and I applaud her for that. She’s even doing pretty well and I applaud her for that even more. Problem is, at every social gathering she is always promoting her product to the people around her. Which is fine but she does it when she comes over to my house and I feel like it’s making other guests uncomfortable. I want to tell her to cease and desist, but feel awkward.
“Whew, this dude really has a one-track mind,” I thought. But later the host told me he has a pot-related business and picks up a lot of customers at parties.In a way it was relaxing knowledge, even made me think more highly of him. He wasn’t a bore; he was a hustler. On the grind, trying to make a buck: that I understand. We live in a capitalist society. Everyone’s got to make a living, right?
People do what they have to do to put food on the table and diapers in the diaper genie and I don’t fault them for that. My mother talks about the time a colleague came up to her and complimented her on her skin. Mom thanked her. But then her colleague suggested she could do better and tried to sell her some sort of moisturizer or ointment or unguent made by the company for which she was a representative.
If she makes and sells the vaccine for Chinese virus, get in on it.
Send her a letter
Stop. Should work.
Is she a sex worker?
fergb This one is for you!