An explicit cartoon of 17-year-old Greta Thunberg being raped has been spotted with the branding of a Canadian oil company on it., the sticker was found by Alberta citizen Michelle Narang, who despite being a supporter of the oil and gas industry, felt compelled to post an image of the sticker on Facebook criticising its existence.
I’m disgusted and would like to see someone in authority apologize and be publicly prosecuted, losing their job and having their name and address printed in the paper.
Misogyny at it's worst
That is a disgrace and what are they thinking that suddenly we would all think oh there right she is wrong I'm horrified by this
Not just Canadian - Albertan. It’s an essential distinction.
HandmaidAlberta I just want to hear about charges being laid now. I am so disgusted to hear about this cartoon; I have gone out of my way not to see it. RCMP what can be done?
HandmaidAlberta International attention. Nice. ableg abpoli
Nonces everywhere!!
give it a year or two and she'll get herself laid and forget about being an Ice Goblin, and we can all get back to normal.
Capitalismo enfermo
The media seems fine with her parents abusing her, so what is the problem over a meme ?
Trumps fault, right?
Eu pensei que baixaria só tinha aqui no governo Bolsonaro
Those companies are evil, what else is news
Why does she always looked dressed for sub-zero temperatures?