London and Frankfurt opened more than 3% lower and Shanghai, Tokyo and Hong Kong all declined. Australia's main index fell 6.4%.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Trump wants to send checks to Americans in the next two weeks to help support them while more parts of the economy come closer to shutting down. On Tuesday, the S&P rose by an unusually wide daily margin of 6%, regaining just under half the previous day's history-making loss. The Dow advanced 5.2%.Trump's proposal would include $250 billion for small businesses and $50 billion for airlines.
There are "green shoots of risk appetite emerging, and some further concerning aspects," said Chris Weston of Pepperstone Group in a report. "I am not going to call a bottom in the risk story by any means."
Thin that 2% herd
Lol cause hes full of shit and everyone knows it.
It’s very very sickening to see anyone or the “news” happy with what is going on in the world and to make such far reaches with their “news stories” like they can associate Trump with the actions of others and their countries. come on we’re smarter than that
And Can’t hide how happy they are about this. Now about Canada......!