A few days ago, an Aquarian friend of mine wrote something along these lines on Twitter:"Thinking that we are all looking at the same moon as a billionaire right now makes me want to cry." It's an Aquarian feeling, not so much possessiveness of beauty but the inability to comprehend how two lived realities can be so diverse yet somehow still lay claim to the same planetary body.
A sign ruled by Venus, Libra loves beauty and harmony in all things. But, beauty is not a simple idea. More than the old Twilight Zone-reified adage, the one about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, beauty beckons us to witness something for pleasure's sake. Beauty is best exemplified in our natural world, where we can all stand in reverence of spring's returning butterflies and bees.
It is harder to understand natural law in our own lives, lives that have been compelled, in one way or another, to forgo what we know of harmony for the sake of human-measured success. Wealth, we know, is not generated in a vacuum. Someone's work is devalued so that someone's work is prized. One life for another. One country for another.
If you're reading this wondering, What does this have to do with me? ask yourself, What about this doesn't have to do with me? Libra, famous for indecisiveness when it comes to a dinner menu, knows that every choice matters. That's why she takes so long to make one. Libra, ruled by Venus and represented by the Tarot card of Justice, knows that, in order to expect integrity from others, we must first interrogate our own integrity.