The lockdown has made it even more profitable to trade in illegal tobacco products. Supply and demand have allowed purveyors of these perilous puffs to charge premium prices, well beyond what a legal pack of 20s would cost, if you could buy one.At the same time, government could by now have lost up to R4.
Pauw said the criminal tobacco networks are flourishing because they haven’t been brought to book, and not just during lockdown. You can watch the full webinar discussion here:PSG is bringing more thought-provoking conversations to the table in thewebinar series. The conversations aim to look beyond the moment, to solve for solutions, and plan for possibilities.
“Looking beyond the moment requires access to independent thinking and expert insights, says Tracy Hirst, PSG’s Chief Marketing Officer. “We have created the platform to share these insights as widely as possible with everyone.” The host of the series is Bruce Whitfield, whose award-winning style of journalism allows him to generate fascinating discussions. “It’s not every day you get one-on-one time with some of the most remarkable people in their fields and get to learn more about them, what they do and why they do it. I feel so privileged to be tapping into some of the country’s sharpest minds and look forward to sharing those conversations with you,” he says.
Speakers: Adam Habib, Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Witwatersrand and Anet Ahern, Chief Executive Officer, PSG Asset Management