Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images
President Donald Trump has previously indicated that he wants a new commerically constructed FBI headquarters to replace its current building. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to be unaware of the demand in the package when pressed about the funding on Monday evening.After being briefed by a reporter on the bill text, which allocates money "for the design and construction of a Washington, D.C. headquarters facility for the Federal Bureau of Investigation," McConnell then deferred the original question to the White House.
in and sparked controversy over developing a new FBI building to replace its headquarters, now situated in the J. Edgar Hoover Building.. "If you're going to — you have a choice: You can renovate the existing building — but it's not a good building — or you could take it down and build a great building for the FBI for 100 years and have it be incredible."a short walk away from Trump International Hotel.
Save the post office instead of a new building
take a good look at mitch McConnel, he looks mentally disabled, he can't possibly be making sound competent decisions for the country.
The building is 51 years old & needs replacing. Provide construction jobs.
$1.75 billion for what?
Because it’s by trump motel