"All my mother's family are Souths supporters and it caused a lot of grief," Wade said. "I didn't know it was going to be 27 years until they won a comp again and I had to suffer through the 80s and 90s. But I love the club and I've loved them my whole life."
Williams won't wear sponsorships which don't align with his Islamic beliefs, including gambling companies and financial institutions.Instead Wade and his company, a booking agency for original Australian artists which have previously helped Amy Shark, Baker Boy and Busby Marou, will have $10,000 donated to their business and money-can't-buy exposure across Williams' shoulders.
"Our industry is the first to help anybody," Wade said. "If you think of the bushfires about 60 or 70 artists played shows for free. It's just been the most gruesome time I could imagine for our industry, but thank God the footy was allowed to come back.
app85 Song should be called 'how to break a contract and shit on your mates vol 1'