One-third of professional British musicians are considering giving up their careers amid the coronavirus pandemic.
what can they really do? they are not allowed to do show in front of a crowd
This is why it’s important to support any talent around you‼️ suport coronavirus
It's not 'quitting', though, is it? That's false framing, it's cruel to those forced to abandon their livelihoods and their creative expression and it diminishes the issues, which include not just poorer musicians but also a poorer culture. What happened to you, Guardian?
not really quit as many don’t have a choice
The Industry died many, many years before COVID-19.
They are not quitting but effectively being fired.
Kunsten92 That’s sad 😔
You can still make great music just not tour it
:(( depressing
Quit the Industry and do what?
RenHarvieu Well.... BradCla55888567
MichaelJBawtree More likely be forced to quit. :(
That would be an absolute travesty and a massive lost to the nation with public health and economic implications. There is also Quality of Life costs! The Govt has to start to understand what is at risk and ensure that such mass failures don't occur in the Entertainment/Arts.
I just joined a band. Bad timing?
Thanks for highlighting appreciate the publicity re our plight!but how many times do we need to correct;furlough may well end in October,but self employed support ended in August.Please understand that when you are actually living out these realities,this detail matters
Royal Albert Pall 😥😷
What a waste of talent that would be. We need music more than ever now
A third of all British children to be molested by Andrew and the other 2/3rd's to be sacrificed by Elizabeth. 🌻
Natural selection