"This is high risk, medium reward," Cuban wrote in an email to Kalanick in June 2010, which heon Friday ahead of Uber's debut on the New York Stock Exchange."I wouldn't touch a 2mm valuation, let alone 5mm."
Now, Uber has priced its IPO at $45 per share, giving it an initial valuation of $75.5 billion, and is set to have— even despite the fact that buzzy tech firms like Slack and Pinterest are expected to go public this year. It's also expected to be the largest IPO in the tech sector since Facebook went public in 2012.
When sharing the email exchange on Twitter, Cuban wrote that it was his"biggest miss ever" and congratulated Kalanick. Uber will begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange Friday morning under the ticker UBER . The company's Kalanick, who owns an $8.6% share in the company, co-founder Garrett Camp, who owns a 6% stake in Uber, and current CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, who owns 196,000 shares. Softbank also holds a 16% stake in Uber.
Found this after watching Mark Cuban on Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber. Cool of him to play himself on the show! SuperPumped Uber
And he shorted the market when Trump became president—He’s in danger of becoming a one hit wonder… But I’d certainly love to have that one hit
He's still worth 4 Billion... I dont think mcuban has any regrets...
Cuban should be booted off Shark Tank for this
Sverige Senaste nytt, Sverige Rubriker
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Uber, volatility and trillion-dollar companies: The Reformed Broker Live on Twitter at 11amETHave a question about the recent volatility in the markets? Want to know more about Uber's IPO? We'll be LIVE with ReformedBroker and TheDomino taking your questions, today at 11 AM ET here on Twitter. Reply to this tweet with questions! InvestInYou ReformedBroker TheDomino Or turn off CNBC and listen to my critically acclaimed* podcast entitled: 'One Man's Toxic Shit is Another Man's Lyft IPO Shares' *not critically acclaimed ReformedBroker TheDomino is AGN ever gonna get rid of Brent Saunders? He has destroyed the company and misled the investors!!!
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