Vicky Gomez overcame self-doubt to become a successful business owner.As a wife, mother of four and successful entrepreneur, Vicky Gomez is well-versed in the art of proverbial juggling. But the flexible nature of her job as an independent business owner for Amway has allowed the two important sides of her life — family obligations and career ambition — to seamlessly coexist. She considers herself fortunate to have earned such enviable work-life balance.
Any budding business owner experiences bumps along the road, and Gomez’s journey has been no exception — but she says the single biggest obstacle at the outset was her own lack of confidence. One of the ways Gomez overcame her initial hesitance about launching a business was by surrounding herself with positivity.
And there's another perk of being an independent business owner that many, especially Gomez, consider to be invaluable. “Having more control of our time, where we can set our schedule — that gives us more flexibility to help other people,” she said.
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