The late monarch, who was a professor of mathematics, ascended the throne of his ancestors in 2007.The new monarch, Ifechukwude Chukuka Okonjo, is a financial management expert and CEO of Chevy Chase Consulting.
The processes include the new Obi’s endorsement and presentation by the Umu Obi Obahai Royal Family of Ogwashi-Uku and the traditional chalking and crowning ceremonies conducted by the Ikelike and Agidiehi Kingmakers in Ogwashi Uku.The new Obi, who also worked for Halliburton Nigeria, attended Federal Government College, Enugu.
He obtained his A’ levels as an external student of the University of London before proceeding to United States of America where he bagged two degrees in Economics and History from University of Maryland, College Park and an MBA from University of Edinburgh, Scotland.