Because it’s remarkably easy to create a target audience in Facebook ads by location, many local businesses utilize Facebook advertisements. However, , a digital marketing strategist and visibility coach, stresses that the sales funnel attached to the ads needs to be conversion optimized. “Facebook Ads can't fix a bad funnel or offer - they will simply amplify the results you already have,” she noted. You’ll be wasting money if your funnel doesn’t convert.
advises, “creating content with no understanding of what works for your audience and your brand is a waste of time and resources.” Finally, engaging in email marketing is a great way to keep your current customers coming back. There are a number of creative ways to build an email list of your customers. If your local business is a brick and mortar store, recommends having a tablet for customers to type their email into rather than a signup sheet to appease any hard-to-read handwriting.
Focusing marketing efforts on these six avenues will have more customers coming through your front door - or onto the homepage of your website - in no time.