Author:Cheryl WischhoverUpdated:Dec 18, 2017Original:Feb 24, 2016In our long-running series, "How I'm Making It," we talk to people making a living in the fashion and beauty industries about how they broke in and found success.
In the '90s brows were terrible and really thin — everyone plucked them. Did you have a hard time convincing women to stop doing this? The Kardashians have been my clients for many years, since they were in high school. They have beautiful brows. Look, it's a form of recognition when you have celebrities [using your products] but remember I was on the Oprah show, too. But I think the Kardashian effect [happened] the same time as social media. You reach way more people through that than you used to reach [even] through Oprah. It didn't just "happen" for me two years ago.
On Instagram the beauty vloggers are very influential for brands. Who are the ones you really like or who have helped get the word out?