“No hard feelings; it just business,” they’ll say. “Yes, you were a star on our team, but you’re getting older and we need to trade you for a couple of young up-and-comers before you get even older. Sorry!”
There is incredible pressure on young people to go to college. Without that degree, almost all of the good, corporate jobs are closed off. There is a social stigma, unfortunately, attached to those who don’t attend college. The price of tuition for a public university has skyrocketed since the 1950s.
You can’t rely upon the government, either. Given that we’re in an intense political season with a presidential election one year away, both parties will tout how they can help you. Some candidates literally offer free monthly checks. Others say they’ll give you free healthcare, dissolve your college tuition loans, offer other goodies or cut your taxes. Don’t believe any of them. They will say what they need to say to get elected. They care about your vote—not you.
You must become self-reliant. This is possessing the ability to adapt to harsh, rapidly changing circumstances. You will need to deal with all sorts of challenges. You will have to constantly learn, reinvent yourself, find new jobs, start side hustles and learn new ways to create value. You will have to develop a thick skin and surround yourself with like-minded people.
“Free agent”. That’s a good way to phrase it