, about 85% of the attacks perpetrated are attributed to criminal actors, and this will certainly continue since economic incentives, low barriers to entry and low probability of penalty remain. Threats also can result from accidental IT failure, employee error or even a disgruntled employee.identifies major cyberattack, severe data breach and IT outage as the top three concerns of surveyed resilience professionals.
Pay close attention to the continued reckoning between the U.S. and China. While there’s been some progress in the current trade war, longer term conflicts around values, influence and governance won’t disappear any time soon. The competition will continue to impact global supply chains and technology, as China pursues its goal of promoting indigenous innovation and reducing its reliance on American products and services.
Roaring 20s. The Depression was in the 30s mostly under FDR. BernieSanders et al are in favor of the gov. controlled stagnation that afflicted the 44 years. Free made of gilded paper mache is no substitute for letting the people go. tt:larry_kudlow MadMoneyOnCNBC Varneyco