Mrs Babalola was the mother of a former minister of state for finance, Remi Babalola.“The entire Babablola family is mourning the loss of our beloved Matriarch, Alhaja Mopelade Aduke Bilikis Akintola Babalola, affectionately known to many as “Iya Ghana,” the statement reads.
“Born around the years 1925 to 1927. She lived and spread hard work, entrepreneurship, kindness, family values, good character, service and humanity.Mr Babalola was a Minister of State for Finance from July 26, 2007, to September 16, 2010.
เราได้สรุปข่าวนี้มาให้อ่านอย่างรวดเร็ว หากสนใจข่าว สามารถอ่านฉบับเต็มได้ที่นี่ อ่านเพิ่มเติม: