In a disclosure to the Philippine Stock Exchange, AllHome said it has so far added new stores in Sta. Rosa, NOMO in Bacoor, Antipolo and Taguig this year to cater to its growing clientele. PetBuddy opened its maiden location in Evia Lifestyle Center in 2021.“There is a natural synergy between the building and maintaining of a home and the care of pets, and we are excited to build further on the convenience and value of the AllHome retail experience with PetBuddy,” said AllHome Chairman Manuel B.
PetBuddy stores are classified under the chain’s small specialty format. The launching of these four new stores this year have increased the total of small specialty stores to 21 and has increased AllHome’s store network to 62 – with 23 large mall-based, 18 large free-standing, and 21 small specialty stores.
ประเทศไทย ข่าวล่าสุด, ประเทศไทย หัวข้อข่าว
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