A major student-loan company just laid off over 500 of its employees — and blamed President Joe Biden's debt relief for it.
But the debt relief has been blocked since October due to two conservative-backed lawsuits, and Bidenthe student-loan payment pause past December 31. It will now end 60 days after June 30, or 60 days after the lawsuits are resolved, whichever happens first. Nelnet said that the lack of work for those additional employees led to this decision.
"We will continue to actively search for opportunities within the organization to redeploy eligible associates, and we hope many will consider reapplying to join our NDS team when repayment does resume," Kiser said.first reported in May 2022 "We just didn't know who was going to be next, and they weren't saying anything to us," a former employee said."These people were being fired and removed without a word."
Shouldn't be working for a company that profiteers off of education.
Bloodsuckers can always find work.