with the company's move. "HashiCorp has always been a true open source company, and what Mitchell Hashimoto and Armon Dadgar achieved from a project never intended to be commercialized has been incredible."
"The statements about BSL are sadly open-washing. It would be wrong to suggest these two ever intended a bait and switch, but they have indeed switched away from open source. The pressure of enabling their competitors with their innovations – an inevitability of open source – did not align with the need to generate shareholder value."
Directing his attention to HashiCorp's business model, Dotan Horovits, principal developer advocate for cloud-native, open source security Logz.io, said:"Companies fail to understand that open source is not a business model. As a result, we see this 'rights ratchet' model, pulled off as a defensive move against competitors, instead of building a sustainable business model. Unfortunately, this means that vendor-owned open source is becoming a business risk to users.