It must be clear by now to all that we should dispense with burning fossil fuels as soon as practicable, and the extension of this must also be that the carbon deposits in the Rosebank field west of Shetland should remain where nature put them.
I have absolutely no faith in heat pumps as a heating solution in Scotland, or their ability to heat cold homes to adequate levels. Were I buying a new home, it would not have one installed.
Ofgem already does control the market through its “price cap” but only to the extent of protecting profits for shareholders, not to benefit the millions struggling to finance those profit levels through their bills – the doubling and more of bills demonstrates this.Neither does Ofgem reasonably serve consumers with the iniquitous energy tax named the standing charge, a cruelly vindictive disproportionate cost for low-use consumers that is being hiked deliberately and with impunity.